Match Details


Score Sheet

Date: 6/9/2016
Day:  Thursday
Time: 10:00 am
League: Division B - Bl Home Team:    Midtown - Pal #2 Home Score:  7.0  /  2.0
  Visiting Team:  Lincolnshire Visitor Score: 2.0  /  7.0
Court 1 Set Scores Points
Team Player 1: Player 2:   1   2   3    
Home Mary Williams Davida Kozlowski   6   6   0 2.0
Visitors Cena Glaser Stephanie Heyroth   2   6   0 1.0
Comment rain led to match ending 1/2 hour early   
Court 2 Set Scores Points
Team Player 1: Player 2:   1   2   3    
Home Wendy Rowden Karen Griebel   6   6   4 3.0
Visitors Lisa Green Atsuko Alvarez   2   0   0 0.0
Comment rain led to match ending 1/2 hour early   
Court 3 Set Scores Points
Team Player 1: Player 2:   1   2   3    
Home Robin Mussar Marleen Pollard   6   3   3 2.0
Visitors Maggie Gutkin Connie Simpson   1   6   1 1.0
Comment rain led to match ending 1/2 hour early   


  Total:  Sets Won / Sets Lost
  H:  7.0  /  2.0
  V:  2.0  /  7.0